Learn From It

Every encounter in life can promote growth. This includes even those unfortunate circumstances. If you analyze  every capacity of your life you will understand the dimension to which each facet can contribute to your development .

Sports have always been a huge factor in my life as I enjoy competition. The indescribable rush that occurs as you mentally prepare and focus  is absolutely necessary to give your best effort. Aha....I've already given two life lessons to learn from it...  Control your rush and  anxieties and you can focus more appropriately. Focusing plays such a major role in life because there are many distractions available to guide one off course.
Being from the south, there are only a few common  sports that I did not seriously compete in during school. Those include soccer, golf, and swimming. However, volleyball, basketball, track, tennis, softball, cheerleading, and  powerlifting were all a part of my sporting resume'.  Although the competitive nature will always be a part of my life, and I may no longer be in the competitive sports arena,  I realize the lessons that I learned on this journey.  Allow me to express the revelations gained  from each sport in which I participated.
Some may not even acknowledge you or what you do as being relevant, know your worth.
Someone needs your encouragement. Even when it seems impossible for them to win keep cheering...the support is appreciated.
Encourage yourself!
Although people may not come to the event to see you, keep doing your best... there's always someone watching ( even if it's the little girl who wants to be like you when she grows up).
You will not make all of the shots that you take... get the rebound and shoot again.
 It's OK to pass the ball to a teammate, maybe they can help you accomplish the task.
Fouls sometimes hurt, get up and keep it moving.
Not all fouls will be called... Life is not fair. Don't spend time trying to complain about what should have happened.
Even when you feel you cannot go anymore you're only as tired as you tell yourself.
Those that think they can and those that think they can't are both right. Figure out which one you are.
Growth comes from exerting yourself beyond your mental barriers. Get out of your own way!
 Most importantly, stay in your own lane.
Run your race. Focus on YOU!
Just when you think you have it under control, life will  hit the ball the other direction. Stay on your toes, adjust and adapt, play strategically.
Set small goals and appreciate them. Run to each base knowing you're one step closer to scoring.  Every hit doesn't have to be a homerun. A base hit serves it's purpose in team sports.
 Celebrate your small victories as well.
Outsmart life.
It is not about how hard you hit or get hit for that matter. It's about finding an open spot on the other side of the court to place the ball and scoring. That is, analyze your opponent and work around them.
It is also necessary to change your patterns. Repetition  can sometimes cause complacency which also gets anticipated and potentially breeds defeat. You want to be appreciated and not expected. Earn your respect 😏
 Life will make you hit the floor. Keep that momentum and roll over your shoulder until you're back on your feet.
There are certain amounts  of weight that seem impossible to carry.  This is especially because you are not as strong when you are in the developmental stages of  training as you are further down the road.  The more you are exposed to the weight, the stronger you will become.
Take every experience, setback, frustration, and pain as a manner or opportunity to develop strength.

In all, realize you will make mistakes... Keep going!
You will have rivals or enemies.... Don't let that hinder your progress. Their "food will get cold worrying about what's on your plate".
It is OK to be nervous. Use it to your advantage.
Build relationships! Form bonds!  Lifelong friends can develop simply from a common experience, challenge, sacrifice, or even pain.
As with sports, preparation is physical and mental. Life has a major contingency on the mental toughness.
Encourage yourself.
Practice positive self talk.
Believe in you..
Most importantly "LEARN FROM IT".



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