The Power of a Drip

“Liquid. That. Drips.”
It has been said that over time a drip can cut through concrete, make a delicious cup of coffee, or even create a flood. One of the most pertinent and purposeful  forms of a drip is that of an IV which is used in order to insert medication  directly into the bloodstream so that it quickly provides healing to the individual. The Iv bag is positioned upright on a stand so that there are no complications with the downward drip. This IV drip we speak of is what controls the tempo and the amount of fluid that is issued to the body. Saline which contains both salt and water  is what is most commonly administered to patients who are dehydrated or to prevent dehydration. Needless to say, the IV drip provides the hydration in efforts to fight off any ailment that is present for sustainability in life. 

Although there’s plenty of research on the benefits of an IV drip, I’ve yet to come across the side effects of my most recent encounter with what I have self diagnosed as “Soul Drip”. It’s equivalent of that which an IV provides to the bloodstream only a direct injection into the soul. This type of Soul Drip  is associated with the connection of another soul (intimately but not sexually) that provides the same benefits that salt does in the IV. The necessity of the salt is not to only provide seasoning but as a preservative or a disinfectant. To have experienced such an amazing and unique feeling such as this makes it difficult to articulate. As I try to find the words to express how it feels, I can only describe as - feeling the aorta drip with a healing effect that touches all of my internal organs and causes a ripple throughout the entire body. It is totally unexplainable. To my soulmate, you are the salt of the earth and of my life. You not only provide nutrients to me but your impact and encounter with the world is life altering. 

Speaking in more specific and personal terms in regards to my life, you have hydrated me, refueled my belief in love, and have managed to assist in the proper functioning of my heart. You fill my cup and make it overflow . Your words and actions run through my veins like liquid Xanax providing comfort and security within my body. Your deliberate intentions of making my happiness your priority consumes my body and instantly heals any pain or discomfort. It’s amazing how you are just like a pain killer sending the antibodies exactly to the necessary areas of my body without having being instructed on areas of pain or discomfort. You’ve healed areas I wasn’t aware had any damage. Simply put...

Your constant drip in my life is necessary for my survival. 
You are my salt.
You are my hydration.
You are my soulmate.
You are my drip.


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