Until we meet... (Letter to my future husband)

Mighty man of valor,  
I anxiously, yet patiently anticipate your arrival in my life. My envision for us supersedes my conscious ability to articulate with accurate precision. As I await and prepare for our connection, there are some things I would like you to know... 

Timing is everything....
Our first level of commitment is to God. We owe him a return on his investment . Then our commitment to each other. Our connectivity will be a phenomenal asset to our commitment. 

Future husband, I want you to thoroughly comprehend the immense difficulty of watching everyone else appear to be happily in love, meanwhile I constantly get approached by .... Well let's just say, "developing" men. (Yeah, developing men... That was a nice way to put it.) perhaps "poor timing " or "premature males ". Who knows...
My conscious decision at age 14 to make better and intentional choices of being a lady with attempts to keep my sanctuary essential were so that I could prepare myself for you. In addition, so that both you and I would not be embarrassed by my past. It was for us! 

My love, I understand that everything  I encounter will make me appreciate you the way you deserve to be appreciated. My decision to continue education for our future family is to create a legacy for our kids. You know, bring more to the table... 
I cannot process my mental regurgitation of the degree of force we will be together. I plan to encourage and be your support but I need the support reciprocated. Reciprocation is extremely vital, but I can almost guarantee you thoroughly comprehend that. 
Babe, my desire to treat you like a king is at the forefront of my mind. I know you know, that you know I know, you know that I'm a queen and I know what I deserve, but I trust you'll treat me accordingly. Communication is so important. I am in complete agreement with you that we not to go to bed mad. Life is too short. Let's vow that we will never argue in front of our kids or make public scenes. Babe, we have to agree on not letting pride come between us, it's detrimental to our longevity. Let's agree that if it doesn't matter a year from now, we need not argue about it. Deal?
Handsome, I want to have fun, you know , explore the world together... paving our own way. Let's make memories that even Alzheimer's couldn't extinguish.

I am positive that you are aware of the importance of family in my life! That's what I love about you! You're a protector, provider, and pray-er. 
I am extremely appreciative in our mutual partnership that is not misconstrued with ownership. 

I will speak into your life and have you feeling the strength and endurance to conquer the impossible. Please read the sentence that follows this statement, TWICE.  Future, you shouldn't tell me any dreams that you envision if you have no desire to accomplish them.  I plan to cultivate and elevate you to your apex. I want to help you expose gifts in you that you didn't even know you encompassed. 
Our friendship-foundation will have no reservation and we will be able to communicate without boundaries. Our emotional and spiritual investment will influence our tenacity.  

Your relationship with God, humbleness conjoined with confidence, and desire to constantly grow flutters my heart. You're a blessing to my eyes. I speak to you in my dreams reminding you that I'm preparing myself for you. 

I know we will be consistent and work as a team. I want you to be comfortable being your complete self around me. This also includes you understanding that you can express your highs, lows, fears, frustrations, emotions, etc. 
Rest assured that I have your back, whenever you need me, I'm like Michael Jackson before he went crazy.... "I'll be there".

Your presence in my life will help me  understand why it didn't work out with anyone else and why my singledness was not in vain. I have inclinations as to why, due to hindsight and I have peace in that aspect. I realize that not everyone deserves and can tolerate loyalty.  But there's no sense of continuing to reiterate what's already understood. You will be my constant reminder of how patience and waiting on God is critical and rewarding. "Though the vision tarry, wait for it".

God bless the broken road that leads me straight to you. 
Please be patient with me, I have flaws but I promise to give you all of me that you possibly can get... 

I just haven't met you yet!



  1. It's sad to know that some men will never know exactly what goes on in their wife's mind, but here it is, all laid out for your future husband. You compliment, encourage, and speak into existence the plans you have for you as whole. Will your future husband see this letter at any point? You have definitely inspired me write a letter as well. Heck, I may even write one letter every year up until my big day(wedding day), to see how I have grown spiritually. When that special day comes, the day that will start the first days of the rest of our lives together, I'll have someone slip him the note before its time for me to walk down the aisle( I hope he doesn't poop his pants, I guess I better warn him). I want my letter to be the last thing he sees before he sees me at the end of the aisle.

    Thank you for inspiration!

    1. That's an awesome idea especially to keep track of the spiritual growth. I may do something similar. I sure hope he gets the opportunity to read it. I would encourage you to write and be patient. The time will come. You should definitely warn him before so he not too choked up at the altar lol. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.


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