Is God Real or a Figure of MY Imagination?

I condemn myself when this question surfaces my thoughts and I'd contemplate God's existence . Is He really real? Is God's way of speaking to me just my conscious thoughts? Why does it then seem good things happen to bad people? Doesn't God's word promise that those who follow him will blessed in the city and the field ? 

If you've ever doubted God then you're right where you're supposed to be at this appointed moment. I too am guilty . 

Disclaimer : I don't claim to be perfect but I do try to align my life with God's word and I do expect favor and blessings. One of my "live by" spoiled expectancies is that I don't ask for much so I believe I should get whatever I ask for because my requests are few and far between. 

Many people only question God's existence when it appears He  is saying "no" or doesn't grant you something that you've been praying for (I.e. that job, raise, health report, increase, etc.). We may say "But God you said if I ask I shall receive, if I knock the door will be open, seek and you shall find". I am seeking , knocking AND asking yet I still run into closed doors. That's not fair. Is God really real? He's let me down , I'm disappointed. The spiritual pout begins. We seem to somehow think crossing our arms and not talking to God is a punishment to Him.  Isn't this how it usually goes? Ha, my how we are wrong. Over my many spiritual temper tantrums, I've realized I only question God when I am told "no". What I have realized is that a delay is not a denial and just because things don't happen on my timing doesn't mean it will never happen. It also doesn't mean that God loves me any less because He told me no . I had to recall times my parents told me "no", and how that didn't define their love for me; it just meant they had my best interest at heart. Why then is it that God's no makes me not want to talk to him? I'm glad you asked. God is not a magician , nor a puppet or a game to be manipulated. Think back over all the things He's brought you through . You remember those times that something should've happened but didn't or places you shouldn't have been but He still protected you? Or that time others got caught for doing something you also were doing??? That wasn't fate. That was his hedge of protection. 

Grace and mercy are very powerful words that are often misused or overlooked. Grace is receiving things you don't deserve (breaks in life) , and mercy is not receiving what you do deserve (repercussions ). In life when it seems like God has moved or shifted, please remember He is right where we left him and that it was you and I that has moved. It is at those times that we need to pray for guidance, wisdom, clarity and understanding. Trust His will which includes trusting his timing. That means complete surrendering of your will. Oh boy, that's difficult but how can you receive what He has for you when you have your fist clinched with your will? Again, I too am guilty. 
God is real! He's shown us in far too numerous ways than we can count. I must reiterate! Don't let His no catapult you into unbelief. It just means that He's got something more suitable for you. When things seem to be going great for others and you can't see the light at the end of tunnel : first check yourself and realize you don't have a complete understanding of other's life and what appears to be perfect is a facade. They too face trials, it just may not be broadcasted to the world or on social media if that's the confirmation you're looking for. #2 - God is not fair, He is JUST. He doesn't give everybody the same because He knows they can't handle it. He is Just and gives us what we can handle. So, just for your comfort and confirmation, let me reassure you that you're not the only one that has felt this way but I also must tell you they God is real. I've even stepped out of myself to see how it would feel for people to only continue in communication with me when I give them what they want. That was a harsh visualization. Trust His plan and timing for your life . When your hands are in His hands, you're in GOoD hands. 
You wouldn't grow to your full potential if you've never fallen or had closed doors. I am here to let you know there are blessings behind closed doors! This is your season to reap what you have sown.  Don't get upset from the harvest. You've planted it just make sure your seeds are bearing the fruit you'd like to eat! Remember a seed looks dead and planted at the same time depending on your perspective! Don't pray and worry! "Thy will not mine"

"All of this is not by chance, that's how I know God is real" India Arie 

He will supply all of your needs, IN His timing . 
"Don't look down" Peter (insert your name) as he tells you to step out of the boat. 
You may ask: 
"How can I have faith in something I can't see?" 

Well ...

"You can't  see oxygen but you believe you can breathe".

Be blessed,


  1. I think you bring up s prudent point. I couldn't argue against it as a Christian I stopped believing after a huge "NO"
    Viewed a world without God that is cold hard science. Truly witnessed man's manipulation of religions and literature....I wouldn't of searched if my heart wasn't broken. I searched for answers forever. One moment I tried to down play... Alone in my height of there is not God; only men who manipulate masses with a "myth"- "once we grow out of Santa they give us God...the cole we got as kids is now what lights hell fires lol as we behave for heaven instead of gifts!" Perception...I always use to say that.
    Alone in that phase I opened a books glossary looking for terms for a vocabulary list...I opened this book by chance while writing. Turned my head to the book-straight to the definition of atheism....simply read...without God;to deny the presents of God.
    Then I remembered what it felt like to believe. I actually missed it. Though I knew my knowledge wouldn't let me go backwards.
    It was important for me to discover someone that knows everything that I know. That one small piece of information is what opened my eyes. To see that God is truly out there.
    The difference now is I understand language so I see God is means of letting you know how I see. That's why I avoid saying him. To me those terms lead us to "GOD" and explaining how to witness God.
    After that we can understand how we are using his power. We plan as seasons are planned bc we work with instead of against that power. For instance I told people in 2012 that I would have a home and a vehicle in 2014. As I tell them I'll be able to work full time on ThinkOrDie by 35. I won't be mad if I can't collect that energy by that time. Nor if I can never manage to. I can understand there are reasons it didn't work. Those reasons I view as God. If it does or doesn't...I'm responsible for the knowledge. If I'm missing what it took to make it work then I probably wouldn't get the results I hoped for...


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