Living Beyond Mere Existence

As cliche as it might sound, it is important that you take time out to smell the roses. Sometimes we get so tangled up in the twists and turns in life that we neglect to simply enjoy life. I am guilty of constraining myself to self inflicted pressure to maintain a certain schedule or make sure everything is in order. This year I made up in my mind that I would not be all work no play. My trip to the Bahamas reiterated the need to just enjoy my singleness and reward myself for all of my hard work.
As I lay on the beach, listening the waves crash amongst the sand, I could honestly say I was at peace. No responsibilities, no deadlines, no schedule, no checking in, no cares , no worries, no pressure, no negativity .... Mere peace.
As the sun glistened on the beautiful water, I began to self reflect. Life is a beautiful thing. Embrace it . Live in the moment. Take pictures. Make memories. Travel . Let your hair down. Nothing in life is that serious, unless you make it.  
Avoid going through the motions. You weren't placed on this earth to work and die. There's much more to life than simple existence. It's okay to be selfish sometimes. Treat yourself . 
Life is truly what you make it . 



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