Broken Mirrors

Mirrors are glass coated objects that display reflections of what appears to be reality. In essence, these very speculums depict an outward appearance of what is in it's vicinity. This commodity is often utilized as decor or as a means to self assess, be it confidence boosters or areas in our appearance or life that need to be modified in order to be presentable. However, the slightest movement can take that which was a consummated image and bring about distortions. The cringing sounds of the mirror shattering renders a tenseness similar to that of fingernail scraping a chalk board or the uncomfortable sensations after realizing that reality has not aligned with your thoughts of "how life was supposed to be". This broken mirror is often associated with "bad luck" or a series of superstitions of some sort. 

(Pause) You see, the mind is a very powerful tool and whatever that is planted will grow. (Play) 

Nevertheless, I refuse to believe the negative associations attached to the stimulus. Much to my cognizance, I realized I closely associated  my life to these broken mirrors possessing diabolical feelings of partialness. Could this be a direct representation of my physical, spiritual or emotional reflection; broken or pulverized self expectations? Despite the defied image I was determined to establish my oasis. As cliche as it seems, life is about perception. This is the reason one individual cries over what appears to be broken while others conjure up their creativity to transform it into a DIY project. The constant battling to see the "big picture" overshadows the realization that the fragments represent a portion of life that I failed to recognize. Regardless of the circumstance, in order to see the reflection, light is required.
Light by definition is the form of energy that makes it possible to see things. Although this broken mirror is a pictorial delineation of the experiences that I have endured throughout life, I have found clarity through Maya Angelou's statement " nothing can dim the light which shines from within ".
If light is a symbol of truth, maybe the darkness and brokenness are what helps me appreciate the light and reflection. After all, the foreshadowing  makes sense as to why I have gravitated to the number 7. It's significant. My inhibition of my intuition is to view completion through aggregation. 

Turning mutilated pieces into Master pieces. 
Broken Mirrors


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