Harvey, Thank You

Let me talk to you for a bit. I know we haven't formally introduced ourselves, I just know what you've done. Now, I am not writing you to complain about all the damage and inconveniences you have caused me, my city, surrounding areas, or state. This is actually a thank you letter for helping me realize what adverse circumstances CAN'T strip from me and the lessons that CAN be gained from such unfavorable situations. 
First of all, You can't take my faith or peace. You've actually strengthened them both.  Prior to your arrival, there was a chaotic ball of division and now I've seen numerous people of different faiths, races, genders, tax brackets etc. unite because of you.

You've taught me not to under or over estimate anything or anyone . 
You've helped me realize the importance of being prepared for everything, also including blessings. 
You've shown me no one is exempt from trials regardless of social status, finances, race , or gender. Your mere existence has shown the worst of Mother Nature and the best of human nature. 
You've shown me how God will place people in your path just when you need them. 
You've reminded me how powerful words are and the comfort they bring. 
You've reminded me of how God uses me to help those while I too am in the midst of the storm.  
You've shown me strength I didn't know I had. 
You've taught me to slow down in life. 
You've taught me to get to know people and not to get too consumed with my own agenda. 
You've demonstrated to me that I was built and created for this. 
Most importantly you have reminded me how much I love my family and can't take things for granted. You've shown me God's comfort during such an unfortunate time. 
As the tears reach the edge of my nose, don't rejoice because you think you've gotten the best of me. They are actually not sorrowful tears.  Instead they are tears of joy that my family and friends are safe, a reminder that I have withstood the storm,  and the overwhelming reassurance that God's grace is always sufficient. I now have a true understanding of  "You're either going into a storm, in the middle of a storm, or coming out of a storm". Harvey, for all of the aforementioned revelations, I thank you.



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