My Divine Appointment with a GUARDIAN Angel

July 13th, 2018 I checked into a hotel in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Although the hotel was luxurious in amenities and PRICE, that was not the part that captured my most valuable component of the experience. It was my best friend’s wedding and I was there for two nights. 

As with any wedding there are always the natural anxiety filled moments that pray everything goes well and the individual that is getting married is truly happy. This was no different as I mentioned this is my BEST FRIEND about to embark on the unity chapter of her life. Anywho, the concierge brings something to the room and begins asking one of the bridesmaids what her name was. Although I thought it was a bit awkward, I continued minding my business until I realize he was now trying to get my attention. Although hesitant at first because I did not understand the content of their previous conversations, nor the realization that he had already spoken to majority of everyone else in the room, I go and introduce myself. He tells me, “your name means Queen of Ethiopia”. I look down at his name tag and overhear everyone else discussing what he has just revealed to them their name meaning. I already knew this was the meaning of my name but I was surprised that he rattled it off with no form of literature or assistance. 

My desire for wisdom inhibits me to inquire about his name, Bill. I asked, “Mr. Bill, what does your name mean”? He replied, “guardian”. I shook my head in acknowledgement and continued to listen to him speak. At this time, he is speaking to the bridal party about the bride getting married, those aspiring to get married, areas that demand respect, etc. After dropping many pearls of wisdom, he prays for us as a group and I instantly begin to feel a sense of calamity in the room. Once his prayer was over he said “the tears will begin to fall” but I am not a super emotional person so I assumed it would have come

from someone other than me. Mr. Bill began to prophecy over our lives and the messages that he gave to each and every one of us were pertinent in our lives currently. He spoke about my relationship status and my purpose until I get married, how August will be a great month for me, along with my role in friendships and the importance of making sure my “cup was full” because of the many people that depend on me- especially emotionally. 

Although many other prophetic words were spoken pertaining to business and finances, he spoke about my spirituality and gave direction to continue to stay strong in my faith even when I don’t feel like it’s paying off. Guarding my peace was important and not to put myself in situations that would be difficult to get out of. Very relevant principles that I pride myself on but the reaffirmation was timely and very much necessary. We were all astonished by this encounter and could tell that Mr. Bill was anointed and truly fulfilling his purpose in life.

 The day continued and I kid you not, someone joked about sending smoke signals to Mr. Bill and guess what... the very thing that was requested showed up within seconds. The next time, we were telling another person staying at the hotel how amazing he was and as soon as I said his name, he came down the stairs. Instantaneously! Like that very moment. I know that society tends to treat people according to their job title but I believe in treating people like humans accordingly. Mr. Bill did not have to work. He also did not have to work at the hotel, but he chose to work at the hotel, that was converted from a bank so that he could continue the deposits- even if they were spiritually(pun intended). He did just that. 

Mr. Bill was so respectful yet was fulfilling his calling by spreading the gospel and positivity without being “preachy”. Although I believe in not being out given, I had to reaffirm Mr. Bill that if he ever questioned his purpose in life or where he was supposed to be, to rid himself of that confusion because He is EXACTLY where he is supposed to be. Mr. Bill bragged on his wife and spoke highly of his children and explained how a godly man would do the same. 

Now, let’s fast forward to the day we are to check out of the hotel. Mr. Bill remembered everyone’s name that was in our bridal party and had gone up to the grooms room to speak with all of the groomsmen and groom prior to the wedding. As we are speaking, he calls out the grooms name. “There goes Belfred right there”. I am the absolute worst with names, so again I am amazed by his gift. We continue to talk and he shares more pearls of wisdom and his intuition of my hunger for growth and knowledge which was all accurate. He continuous to pour into my cup and I end up finding another way I could be a blessing to Mr. Bill as he was trying to be a blessing to his boss, the use of my timeshare. On the way out , I gave Mr. Bill my business card and told him I was serious about setting up the vacation for his boss if he was serious. We said our goodbyes and I left. The same evening while I was introverting and had my phone on do not disturb, I realized I had a missed call however I didn’t recognize the number. Normally, if someone doesn’t  leave a voicemail I don’t return the call because I don’t feel it was that important, but this time I did. The very next morning. Guess who it was that answered the phone.... Mr. Bill. The spiritual downpour he gave me was breathtaking and he wants me to meet his wife. I had a real life touched by an angel experience with someone who did not know anything about me besides my name but could tell me more about me than most of the people around me. I truly feel like I am going to call back to the hotel and they will tell me that no one by the name of Bill ever worked there. 

My prayer is that I leave everyone I encounter as full as Mr. Bill left me; that my spiritual walk continues to speak in volumes that I cannot, and that I truly am walking in my purpose, calling, and the will of God. 


  1. This was AMAZING. Thank you for sharing this story with us. I look forward to reading g about your meeting with Mrs. Bill.

    1. Thank you! I will definitely keep you’ll posted!


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