
Emotional Bank

Every person you meet either deposits or withdraws from you emotionally. After reading the book “How Full is Your Bucket”, I have become more cognizant of how my interactions with  others either add or multiply them or subtract and divide with even the slightest interactions. Likewise, I realize how their energy impacts me. Become aware of your words and the emotional charges they have. Are you building people up or tearing them down? People tend to remember more when there are emotions attached  to an encounter or experience.  Society tends to expect “normalized “  behavior as in “that’s what you’re supposed to do” but place condemnation and emphasis on the “abnormal” and that is the only part that is vocalized. What that means is, doing 99 things correctly, society focuses on the 1 thing that was wrong. You know the mother/father that stays in their kids life and it’s looked at as “that’s what they are supposed to do”, is rarely celebrated. Guess who gets ...

My Divine Appointment with a GUARDIAN Angel

July 13th, 2018 I checked into a hotel in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Although the hotel was luxurious in amenities and PRICE, that was not the part that captured my most valuable component of the experience. It was my best friend’s wedding and I was there for two nights.  As with any wedding there are always the natural anxiety filled moments that pray everything goes well and the individual that is getting married is truly happy. This was no different as I mentioned this is my BEST FRIEND about to embark on the unity chapter of her life. Anywho, the concierge brings something to the room and begins asking one of the bridesmaids what her name was. Although I thought it was a bit awkward, I continued minding my business until I realize he was now trying to get my attention. Although hesitant at first because I did not understand the content of their previous conversations, nor the realization that he had already spoken to majority of everyone else in the room, I go and introduce mysel...

Jamazing Times

Every adventure I take breeds another opportunity for personal growth. Although the purpose of each trip is usually relaxation, I never pass up any opportunity to gain wisdom. Jamaica was jAMAZING! The culture is so rich and the people are extremely caring and relaxed. Along our journey to Jamaica, we met some extremely wonderful people that took the time to educate us on the lifestyle, history, and culture. However, along with the beautiful weather and water also came the difficulty to maintain a decent lifestyle without struggle. Being on an island, gas prices were triple the cost of my norm due to the transport cost to get the gasoline in their area, therefore many people cannot afford to buy their own car and rely heavily on taxis or buses.  We discussed rent/mortgage, bills, family and were enlightened that most, although not all do not have air conditioner, live with their family for a long time or forever to economically survive, and with the income they earn they must sa...

Until it happens to you...

  [For the most part] Society tends to have some sort of empathy when one is affected with tragedy of unfortunate circumstances. The constant urge to keep up with the news to see how one’s city is coping or recovering from a natural disaster gets the mere feeling of “that’s so sad” yet the world continues on because it doesn’t pertain to them. Wild fires, hurricanes, malnutrition, orphanage, cancer, death, murders, and the list goes on. From a far, we can all feel the pain and can’t imagine how people are feeling but seeing things for yourself puts a different spin on it. With that said, a personal experience changes your entire outlook. I must admit when Katrina hit, I watched the news and just felt so sorry for the people. I checked on my friends that lived in the area and once I knew they were okay, I was okay. But what about the masses that lost everything. Why was I okay because no one I knew personally had been destroyed? Again, it didn’t pertain to me. It became a fictional...

Harvey, Thank You

Harvey, Let me talk to you for a bit. I know we haven't formally introduced ourselves, I just know what you've done. Now, I am not writing you to complain about all the damage and inconveniences you have caused me, my city, surrounding areas, or state. This is actually a thank you letter for helping me realize what adverse circumstances CAN'T strip from me and the lessons that CAN be gained from such unfavorable situations.  First of all, You can't take my faith or peace. You've actually strengthened them both.  Prior to your arrival, there was a chaotic ball of division and now  I've seen numerous people of different faiths, races, genders, tax brackets etc. unite because of you. You've taught me not to under or over estimate anything or anyone .  You've helped me realize the importance of being prepared for everything, also including blessings.  You've shown me no one is exempt from trials regardless of social status, finances, rac...

"Baby, I'ma Be your Motivation"

Blessed and grateful I am to wake up each new day with new mercies. up with  such a strong desire to help motivate you to accomplish goals you didn't even know you had on your agenda for the day.  Pushing you beyond your limits not only to break the glass ceiling but orchestrate a technique to annihilate it, repair it, and develop strategies to help others overcome the ceiling with you. Filling your cup up so full that you are searching for ways to increase your greatness, as well as refusing to settle for anything remotely close to mediocre . This is not an attempt to make you feel pressure but to merely maximize your "dash". At the end it the day you will feel so accomplished but never impressed with yourself because we will stay grounded.  See what I see in you is beyond what you see in yourself. I want to write my words in Braille so you can even feel the fire in your fingertips. When you leave the house you will be prepared to conquer the world. I will have you ...

Learn From It

Every encounter in life can promote growth. This includes even those unfortunate circumstances. If you analyze  every capacity of your life you will understand the dimension to which each facet can contribute to your development . Sports have always been a huge factor in my life as I enjoy competition. The indescribable rush that occurs as you mentally prepare and focus  is absolutely necessary to give your best effort. Aha....I've already given two life lessons to learn from it...  Control your rush and  anxieties and you can focus more appropriately. Focusing plays such a major role in life because there are many distractions available to guide one off course. Being from the south, there are only a few common  sports that I did not seriously compete in during school. Those include soccer, golf, and swimming. However, volleyball, basketball, track, tennis, softball, cheerleading, and  powerlifting were all a part of my sporting resume'.  Although t...