Letter to My Grandfather

As I reminisce on our many years together I can't help but smile. I have no doubt in my mind that you're watching over us now. I know you think I'm a mess but there's a few things that I must reassure you. I know you like pictures so I'll make sure I send pictures of COLE to heaven on BOTH phones... I can already hear you telling me you don't know how to view the picture. Lol, just click the home button, camera, and view photos. Don't worry, I'll keep you updated on Wheel of Fortune, the Spurs or "Spuuus" as you call them and them Cowboys.
 If I even get an idea that school is too much for me I'll remind myself of how proud you were of me and how many times you said "you are smaaaart " lol. "That guh is a WIZZZ".  

Chuuuuck, (you know I only called you that when I had to monitor your sweet intake) I quickly learned that I had to cut you a piece of pie or cake because I realized when I told you you could have a little piece I'd look up at your plate and notice a ginormous piece... Lol. Now you may eat as many sweets as you would like. Heaven has unlimited Boston Cream pie, Strawberry shortcake, and Homemade Vanilla Bluebell ice cream that you asked for in the hospital and diabetes is a nonfactor. (Whispering) I heard you don't gain weight in heaven so have a some for me. I can't afford the extra weight. Lol.

I set my 6 o clock alarm to "hit the floor" to remind myself of you making sure I had great work ethic and you asking "are you going to sleep all day" ( even if it was the weekend or summertime) . 
I appreciate you checking on me before you checked on your boy Rex. We won't get into how long that took. It was only a few years ago that I realized that I would always be a little girl in your eyes because you always brought me stuffed animals that you won in the machines in Golden Corral or a Star Wars toothbrush. !!!

I would laugh at how you used to rush me off the phone when you had another call. I made serious efforts to keep talking so that you would talk to me longer. Lol... However, when you answered the call on January 31st, I was not laughing. I realized you had been called home and I could not prolong the call any longer... You know I'll miss you dearly but I am at peace because you and I made great attempts to give each other our flowers while you were living.. Don't worry, I know we still have some secrets that I'll never tell. I know this isn't "goodbye"... So like you say... "Talk at you later" .
I love you forever, 

"Big C


 Please take care of your boy Rex! I knew you loved him, I just didn't expect you to want him with you so soon. Make sure you throw rocks for him, feed him people food (dog food is for dogs remember), scratch his back and rub his stomach, he likes to bathe in Old Spice, and please make sure he has a comfortable bed to sleep on! I love you both! 



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Twin this touched me in a special way I teared up reading this you are my hero. I can't even tell you how much I look up to you. You are so strong and I love you so very much 😘


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