WoMAN's Best Friend

About a month to date, give or take an hour, I am in a similar situation where I am awaken by the startling reality of death. To many, you may not understand what this feels like, others may think it's funny and joke about it, but as for me this has been very challenging . Anyone who knows me knows that my family means the world to me.  This includes my four legged child  Rex.
This morning around 3 o'clock I had the harsh reality of viewing his lifeless body. You never know how much a pet can impact your life .
Prior to getting Rex on my 11th birthday, I couldn't understand how people let their dogs live in their house.
Once I was introduced to Rex, I couldn't understand how individuals let their dogs live outside. Rex was no ordinary dog. He communicated without saying words, he was very protective, showed unconditional love, had a way of making you feel guilty about eating your own food, etc.
He was dressed to impress for any occasion and had pairs of shoes to match. He chased rocks, loved food, hated fireworks, loved belly rubs, enjoyed life, etc... A life of pure bliss that many humans may never experience. 
Rex, you have brought so much joy to my life and have taught me so much: Greet each day with new excitement... Be loyal.... Don't hold grudges... Appreciate the little things in life!!!! Resting is important....Travel!!!! Enjoy the ride.. Just to name a few! 
I will miss hearing your collar jingle, cuddling, and all of the numerous wonderful memories I had the pleasure of experiencing with you.. I thank God for the 15 years that I was fortunate to have you. You were the best dog ever! 
I love you forever! 

Rex Southall 
September 4, 1999 - March 2, 2015


  1. Candace,
    I admire your strength. You are one of the STRONGEST women that I know! Keep your head held high and keep thanking God for allowing you 26 years with no bad days!! Remember, God doesn't make mistakes, this was all in his plan! Rest in Heaven Rex!
    Love you Candace 💞


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