
Showing posts from 2019

Emotional Bank

Every person you meet either deposits or withdraws from you emotionally. After reading the book “How Full is Your Bucket”, I have become more cognizant of how my interactions with  others either add or multiply them or subtract and divide with even the slightest interactions. Likewise, I realize how their energy impacts me. Become aware of your words and the emotional charges they have. Are you building people up or tearing them down? People tend to remember more when there are emotions attached  to an encounter or experience.  Society tends to expect “normalized “  behavior as in “that’s what you’re supposed to do” but place condemnation and emphasis on the “abnormal” and that is the only part that is vocalized. What that means is, doing 99 things correctly, society focuses on the 1 thing that was wrong. You know the mother/father that stays in their kids life and it’s looked at as “that’s what they are supposed to do”, is rarely celebrated. Guess who gets ...