Dearly Beloved...

My dearly beloved parents,
I fracture my mind trying to find ways to ever repay y'all for everything you've been to me and done for me. Because I have yet to be clever or creative enough to come up with a process of reciprocation it stresses me out. I know you all don't expect anything materialistic but even then I don't know what I could purchase that would show my appreciation. I realize I will be forever indebted to y'all. All of the life's lessons you taught me, encouragement, support and even discipline has instilled morals and values in me that I wouldn't have otherwise. Because all the money in the world could never repay you I decided to show you how much you mean to me via written expression. 

Daddy, Remember the broken shoulder after you told me not to run back and forth across the street going to the trampoline when I was in 8th grade? Or the whooping after I moved the car up on Shreck when you went in the back yard and told me not to? What about the time you were ready to fight when that man spilled hot nachos on me at the game? How about teaching me how to change a tire and speak my mind in a way that I am understood? What about when you sang to me that I "can have anything thing I want" (the song by Jaheim) when I had to undergo my shoulder surgery? Did I mention the principle of not starting any shiiiii but not running from any either? How about helping to realize I "only have about two or three friends"? Ha... You have no clue...  

And momma.... All the times you've been there for me just to talk when I was vulnerable enough to admit I didn't have my superwoman cape on and that I was human? How about when you checked that teacher for giving me a blanket grade of an "S" when you knew I didn't deserve it? Making sure you kissed me and told me you loved me each and every night as you tucked me in? What about cleaning my regurgitation both when I was sick or made poor decisions? (Did I mention Without a complaint) Packing our lunches each day... Serving our food...the random cards that encourage me that I have more strength than I sometimes acknowledge and express how much you see in me... These lessons mean more than you know! 

Or how about the lessons taught that I learned just watching the both of you? Sometimes I unconsciously think everyone was as fortunate as me, but I am quickly brought to my senses when I realize that some people don't even know their parents, they were never told they were loved by their parents or even their parents have never been married.... more less being married over 30 years.... 

I can't thank Both of you all enough for being at all of my games, events, ceremonies. Whether I was playing volleyball, basketball, receiving an award, graduation, surgery, etc.. And my graduation party with everyone close to me... Creating a day to make me feel special. I remember it all. And although I may not know how to show it. I do appreciate it.Yea I know it may just be a few things that I mentioned but everything you all have done for me are just like my blessings. I tried to count them and got tired. If I could give you one thing, it would be the ability to see yourselves through my eyes so you can see how much I appreciate you and how amazing you are in my eyes. There's nothing else I could ask out of parents and I'm so grateful for our family. I know I wouldn't have made it this far without you and I owe everything I've ever done to God and the both of you! My main priority in life is to make y'all proud. That's the least I can do! I want to be so successful that I can give you the world, moon and the stars because you deserve it . I know life doesn't come with a parenting manual with the do's and don'ts of life but I can say both of you have managed to maneuver and create a pretty successful one that I can live by. You both have me wanting to transform my every breathing moment into Braille so that you can see my love with your fingertips.

I love you so much! You are appreciated ! 


#love #appreciation #parents #unconditional #support #grateful #blessed #favor #unity #mvp #blog


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