How to make decisions in your life

Inspired by Dr. Charles Stanley
Making decisions in our life: direction without doubt 
Psalm 25:12
CLEAR THE PATHWAY- clear your heart of any known sin or disobedience whether its an attitude or action: get rid of it 
Clean heart =clear mind
Sin is to the mind what fog does to the brain : fog covers highway and you can't see 20 feet in front of you.
Look at your life and ask "what is it in my life that doesn't fit who I am that will hinder me from God giving me clear direction. "
1. Deal with sin
2. Bring your desires to a point of neutrality . Acknowledge what you want but if that's not what God wants You'll do what he says . 
Submit your will and let him bring you to a point of being neutrality . You may not like it but Be willing to do his will. "Above everything else, Lord, I want what you want" 
EXERCISE PATIENCE- when you have a certain urge to make a decision , back off. ask "does this look , sound like God? Does this fit who God is?
Be willing to trust God.
We all want God to answer our prayer as soon as we get through asking.
Be willing to submit to gods timing.
Dont Pray for a while and give up. Psalm 25:3
BE ALERT TO PRESSURE- don't let anyone pressure you into doing something that youre not sure is the will of god, especially when it's irrevocable. There are financial decisions that are irrevocable , health decisions that are irrevocable. 
Two kinds of pressure: external pressure - from other people who want to encourage you to make a decision quickly 
Be careful: what is the will of God or what is someones pressure?
Ask : does that sound Like God. How do you know what God sounds like? Read the word of God
If you don't have clarity from God don't do anything you don't have his solution for . 
Internal pressure: I'm afraid if I don't do this now I'll miss this forever.
Then we Place it upon ourselves to make decision. 
Make a wrong decision based on your own pressure. 
Be careful who you are listening to.
WhAt are the consequences of making this decision? Consequences always follow decisions (good or bad)
God will speak to you about critical issues in your life that he knows is the right decision for you to make . 
PERSIST IN OUR PRAYER-because you don't get clear direction about something today doesn't mean God isn't listening.
In that prayer time God is softening us up, helping us to see things in our life that shouldn't be there 
He knows we aren't ready , keep praying so he can work on us. 
REST IN GODS PROMISE- ask and it shall be given... Confidence in him ... Don't try to figure it out just trust God 
His word is a lamp and light to our path . He will show you what to do but sometimes it takes time . 
Every day you should read the word of God bc you're putting the way God thinks into your mind so that things will be crystal clear 
WAIT FOR HIS PEACE : Colossians 3:15
You can face anything as long as you know God has given you clear direction 

Pride can destroy you . 


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