Watch YOUR Mouth

Usually when you hear "watch your mouth" it's used in a context that refers to that of vulgar language. It is important to remember you can never take words back even with extreme efforts to recant statements. Never let anyone get you so angry that you speak words that you may not mean when you calm down ( we can deal with anger in another blog). I agree with the aforementioned concept, however  in this particular blog, I want to take approach it from a different perspective.

In this world, one of the most valuable things one possesses is their WORDS. It sounds so cliche hearing "word is bond" but if your word is unreliable what purpose do you serve in my life to even listen to you. Considering every word spoken seems to be a babble of fictitious foolishness creating contractions in my brain.  Let's keep it simple. If you say you are going to do something, do it. If you are incapable or incompetent of carrying it out, just don't make false promises. I would much rather respect you for saying you are unsure if you can do something or simply not saying anything than to make empty promises. One thing I cannot tolerate is a liar. Once you distinguish yourself as a liar in my life, I will take what you say with a grain of salt. Ha, yes I may seem like I am going along with what you are saying to humor myself with conscious efforts to see how creative you will be to make the conversation seem more intriguing. I have to admit, some of you have a great imagination. It is quite entertaining.

Anywho, sorry for that minor tangent, I sometimes get off topic. Just joking, I am not sorry, this is my blog. :). "Life and death are in the power of your tongue". Simply put, the person that says he can and the person that says he cannot are both right. Which one are you? Be it positive or negative: whatever you speak is like a seed planted that will grow to fruition if you are not careful. That's why you will not hear me speak negativity over my life. I am destined for greatness, I will not lack, my family is blessed and healthy, I will have so much money that I can bless people with most of it and still live a comfortable lifestyle, etc. What are you professing and proclaiming?

If you desire to get married, why are you saying you will be single forever? If you are financially unstable momentarily, why are you claiming that you are "broke"? Make a conscious effort to recognize what you are unconsciously claiming for your life. Design your own declaration that you can recite or read daily to positively influence your life.

One of the things I pride myself on is consistency, communication, and discipline. Although I am not perfect, I attempt to live my life in such a way that others do not have to necessarily hear me speak these words but vicariously learn them through my actions. Pay it forward movement.

They say actions speak louder than words, so my advice to you is to also "listen to words that are not being said".



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