What's YOUR Why?

When you do something with a purpose in mind it usually makes your dedication and motivation meaningful. When there's a reason why you're doing whatever it is that you are doing, there is a sense of self inflicted pressure that increases your desire to be successful. With the different adventures and avenues I explore in my life I am often questioned "how" I do what I do or "how" I find motivation for it. I can summarize my answer in one statement: "all that I am is because of Thee (God), all that I am not is because of me". Because people that know me know the importance of Christianity in my life, I have realized what they are really asking me is "why" do you do what you do? Why is the desire and drive so strong?

 Translation: what is the reasoning behind why you're doing what you do... Well, I'm glad you asked.

Although I don't necessarily have to provide this disclaimer, allow me to, for the sake of courtesy.

 ⚠️DISCLAIMER⚠️: this is not an attempt to be pompous or arrogant, pretend like I have never made a mistake or have had setbacks, toot my horn, nor is it attempts to belittle anyone or anything of that nature. This is just simply my truth and my attempt to help elevate others along the way.

For the longest, I have lived by the motto " If you want what I have, then do what I do". However, as I have aged I have come to the realization that because every individual is different and has endured different circumstances, even if they did what I do, our "why" will be different. I can appreciate that.

Here are a few of my why's: because I want my Heavenly Father and parents/family proud, to maximize my dash between my birthday and death day, to fulfill dreams placed in my heart and that I have set for myself, and to encourage people along the way. I realize I have a window of opportunity to make my dream a reality. I understand that God created me with a purpose for a purpose with unlimited potential. I truthfully believe part of mine is to help other's reach their fullest potential. Ultimately I will feel like I am reaching mine.

This blog was inspired by a combination of Eric Thomas' - What's Your Why? and my intake requirements as I applied for my PhD program. After being notified that I was "qualified" and had provided all of the necessary documentation, I was required to write a "LETTER OF INTENT". Initially, I scratched my head and thought it was a no brainer. My intent is to graduate from this program with a better education in order to enhance my professional goal. Although I am sure other factors of so called "writing competency" were considered, their main concern was "why" do you want this. They realize that if an individual cannot pinpoint a "why", they may be a detriment to their own success and the institution's graduation rate. Without going into too much detail on what I included in my letter, I will say it was detailed oriented enough to give a clear picture that I was serious and sincere about this step in my life. Not only was I required to include my reasoning for why, the institution also wanted to know "what/how" I was going to make adjustments to ensure that I succeeded in the program. What's the plan? "Failing to plan, is planning to fail". Nevertheless, a lesson in disguise.

Regardless of where you are in life, identify your why. It will help motivate you to prosper. I know I know, you may have a myriad of reasons some things aren't your why. You may say, well my parents weren't there for me, they aren't my why. I understand how you could feel that way but they can be your why as an example of what not to be. If you are on a team, be it sports or corporate, etc., it sometimes helps sharing your "why"with your teammates and hearing their why's so you have that extra push when you aren't exerting all of your energy to notify you that you may be hindering someone else.

My question to you is: What's your why?


#Reason #whatsyourwhy #motivation #purpose #success #greatness


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