In Due Season

The most consistent concept in life is change. One of the most evident and inevitable changes comes from the seasons. Let me attempt to Spring into this blog and with hopes that you Fall right in. I hyperextended my mind trying to make sense of how our lives closely correlate with the seasons. Throughout the different seasons seeds are planted, plants grow, plants become dormant, and the cycle continues. Similarly the weather changes and our lives change. Looking back over the years on the people that were in your life that did not make it to 2014. I am not only speaking of the deceased but also the people that were once connected to you in some capacity and how they are no longer in your life. They may have been in your life for a season. By definition, Season relates to "particular weather patterns and daylight hours, resulting from the earth's changing position with regard to the sun". In a similar context of the seasons of our life where we are either in th...